This Image Is An Example Of


Future of Image Search

Image search is rapidly transforming, and I have a strong opinion that it’s time for all of us to adapt our SEO strategies accordingly. With advancements in AI and machine learning, search engines now can analyze the context of images far better than before. This means that simply optimizing alt text isn’t going to cut it anymore. We need to consider the entire image and its surrounding content to ensure visibility in search results.

Visual content is becoming crucial for brands looking to engage users. Platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are already showing how much consumers prefer visual content over text. If your images aren’t optimized for search, you risk losing potential traffic and engagement. I believe leveraging structured data markup to provide context about your images is going to gain more importance.

Additionally, the rise of voice and visual search capabilities has introduced another layer to consider. Smart devices can now interpret images, suggesting that SEO for images will also need to encompass voice-driven queries. We should anticipate a shift in how searches are conducted, moving more towards visuals, and prepare our strategies accordingly. Detailed descriptions and relevant context around images will be critical in catering to these evolving search methods.

The focus on user experience can’t be overstated either. Page speed, mobile optimization, and engaging visuals are likely to influence how images rank. More than ever, we should aim to create captivating visuals that resonate with users and encourage sharing. The future of image search isn’t just about algorithm changes; it’s about enhancing user engagement and experience.

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The Importance of Alt Text

Alt text is a crucial component of SEO that cannot be overlooked. It stands for alternative text and serves multiple essential functions for both accessibility and search engine optimization. Including descriptive alt text for images on your website is not just a best practice; it’s a fundamental step towards enhancing your site’s performance in search rankings.

First and foremost, alt text provides valuable context for search engines. Search engines can’t interpret images the way humans do, so adding alt text helps them understand what your images depict. This understanding can improve your chances of ranking for relevant keywords, which ultimately drives more traffic to your site.

Furthermore, alt text significantly enhances the user experience for individuals with visual impairments. By describing images, you ensure that visually impaired users can engage with your content. This not only makes your website more inclusive but can also mitigate potential SEO penalties associated with poor accessibility. Web accessibility is increasingly becoming a ranking factor, and failing to provide alt text may hinder your visibility.

Moreover, alt text is vital for image search optimization. Many users prefer to search for content through images. When properly leveraged, your alt text can help your images rank in image search results, offering another pathway for customers to discover your website. This kind of optimization contributes directly to increasing organic traffic.

Lastly, alt text can enhance your overall on-page SEO efforts. Consistent use of relevant keywords while ensuring that the text remains understandable can reinforce your topical relevance. This not only helps with SEO but can provide better context for users scrolling through your content. Incorporating alt text improves both your site’s accessibility and its search engine visibility. Prioritizing this element is a no-brainer for anyone serious about their SEO strategy.

Common Mistakes in Image SEO

Many website owners overlook the power of image optimization. A significant mistake is neglecting to use descriptive file names for images. Instead of using generic names like “img123.jpg,” opt for descriptions that include relevant keywords, such as “blue-running-shoes.jpg.” This simple step helps search engines understand the image context.

Another frequent error is failing to add alt text. Alt text is crucial for accessibility and SEO. It provides a textual alternative to images, ensuring that search engines and visually impaired users can comprehend the content. Skipping alt text means losing out on additional ranking opportunities.

Additionally, the size of images is often ignored. High-resolution images can slow down a site, negatively impacting user experience and search rankings. Compression and resizing images before uploading can make a huge difference. Use tools to optimize image quality without sacrificing too much detail.

Incorrect use of image sitemaps is another oversight. An XML sitemap that includes images can enhance visibility on search engine results. Not utilizing this feature diminishes the chances of images appearing in image search results.

Failing to choose the right format for images is common. Use JPEG for photographs and PNG for graphics with transparent backgrounds. Understanding the characteristics of each format will always lead to better quality and faster loading times.

Lastly, ignoring the importance of responsive images can curtail your SEO efforts. Ensure that images display correctly across various devices by using attributes like `srcset` in your HTML.

How to Choose Images for SEO

Selecting the right images can significantly enhance your SEO efforts. Images add visual interest, but they also serve essential roles in search rankings. Start by considering the relevance of the image to your content. If the image is closely related to your topic, it provides context for both users and search engines. I insist that you prioritize high-quality images. Blurry or pixelated images can turn visitors away and negatively impact your site’s credibility.

File names also matter. Use descriptive and keyword-rich file names to help search engines understand your images. For instance, instead of naming an image “IMG_12345.jpg,” opt for something more descriptive like “red-welcoming-front-door.jpg.” This practice enhances the chances of appearing in image search results. Don’t forget about alt text. Alt text should describe the image and include relevant keywords to boost SEO. It’s not just an accessibility feature but a significant ranking factor as well.

Image size is another factor to consider. Large files can slow down your website, adversely affecting user experience and SEO ranking. Compress images without losing quality. Tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim can make this process straightforward. Additionally, implement structured data for images when relevant. This markup can help search engines better understand the context of your images, improving visibility.

Lastly, think about user engagement. Images that encourage shares or engagement indicate to search engines that your content is valuable. Choosing images wisely means aligning visual content with overall SEO strategy. This alignment results in improved rankings and better organic traffic.

Leveraging Images for Better Rankings

Images are a powerful tool in SEO that can significantly enhance your site’s ranking. Utilizing high-quality, relevant images not only enriches the user experience but also improves your website’s performance on search engines. Search engines like Google appreciate visual content that adds value to text. Therefore, it is crucial to use images that complement your content rather than distract from it.

Optimizing images involves several strategies. First, ensure that your images have descriptive file names and alt text. This allows search engines to understand what the image represents, ultimately boosting your website’s visibility. Compressing images for faster loading times is equally important; slow-loading pages frustrate users and lead to higher bounce rates, which negatively impacts rankings.

Next, consider the type of images you use. Stock photos can sometimes feel generic. Investing in unique, custom photographs or graphics can set your content apart. Incorporating infographics is another fantastic strategy to deliver complex information engagingly. People love sharing images, and optimizing your images for social media can drive additional traffic back to your site.

Don’t overlook image sitemaps. Including them makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your images, further enhancing your website’s discoverability. Additionally, using structured data can help your images appear as rich results in Google’s search results, increasing click-through rates.

Ultimately, leveraging images effectively can create a richer, more engaging experience for users while driving your SEO efforts. Implement these strategies diligently, and you’ll likely see a boost in your rankings and organic traffic.

Understanding Image SEO

Image SEO is often underestimated, yet it can significantly enhance your website’s visibility. **Optimizing images is a crucial aspect of overall search engine optimization that many overlook.** Every image on your site is an opportunity to rank higher in search results and attract organic traffic. One of the first steps is to ensure that your image files have descriptive filenames. **Instead of using generic names like ‘IMG1234.jpg’, opt for descriptive alternatives like ‘chocolate-cake-recipe.jpg’.** This simple change increases the chances of your images appearing in search results related to chocolate cakes.

Alt text is another critical element. **This text provides context for search engines and users who rely on screen readers.** Ensure that your alt descriptions are informative and relevant, incorporating keywords naturally.

Image size also matters. Large images can slow down your website, negatively impacting user experience and SEO rankings. **Compress images without sacrificing quality to enhance load times.** Various online tools are available to help with this.

Don’t neglect responsive design. **Images should scale correctly across devices, ensuring a pleasant user experience on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.** A responsive design contributes to a lower bounce rate and better SEO performance.

Lastly, consider leveraging structured data. **Implementing schema markup for images can increase your chances of appearing in rich results, further amplifying visibility.** Investing time in these aspects of image SEO is invaluable. Each detail counts in the competitive online arena, and optimizing your images is one of the easiest ways to stand out.

Tools for Analyzing Image SEO

Analyzing image SEO is crucial for boosting your website’s visibility and traffic. As someone who deeply values the impact of images on search engine optimization, I find that too many webmasters overlook this aspect. Incorporating the right tools can dramatically enhance your image search rankings.

One of my top recommendations is Google Search Console. This tool allows you to understand how Google interacts with your images. By inspecting the “Performance” tab, you can see how often your images appear in search results and how many clicks they generate. This data is invaluable for adjusting your image optimization strategies.

Another essential tool is Screaming Frog SEO Spider. This software crawls your website like a search engine, providing insights on image alt texts, file sizes, and loading speeds. You can immediately identify images that lack alt attributes or are too large, thus affecting load times and SEO.

TinyPNG is also worth mentioning. This tool compresses images without losing quality, ensuring that your site loads faster. Page speed is a significant ranking factor, so optimizing your image files can yield great results.

I strongly believe that using Ahrefs can give you a competitive edge. Their site audit feature evaluates image SEO elements, including alt tags and file names. Plus, it helps in discovering which images are driving traffic to your site.

Finally, consider Canva or Adobe Spark for creating visually appealing images that attract clicks. Both platforms allow you to design customized graphics with SEO best practices in mind.

Utilizing these tools can make a significant difference in how search engines perceive and rank your images. Don’t underestimate the power of image SEO in your overall strategy.

Top Image Optimization Tools

Image optimization is crucial for enhancing website performance and SEO. Here are the tools I find indispensable for acquiring that edge.

  1. TinyPNG – This tool is a lifesaver for compressing PNG and JPEG images without sacrificing quality. It reduces file sizes remarkably, making pages load faster.
  2. ImageOptim – I adore this Mac-only application for its simplicity. It effectively strips away unnecessary metadata from images while optimizing file size effortlessly.
  3. – With both a web interface and an API, offers a powerful platform that allows batch optimization. It’s perfect for those managing multiple images at once.
  4. Optimizilla – This online tool offers a nice balance between compression and image quality. I appreciate being able to adjust settings manually based on my needs.
  5. ShortPixel – A great option for WordPress users, this plugin not only optimizes images but also converts them into next-gen formats like WebP. It’s my go-to for all things WordPress.
  6. Squoosh – Developed by Google, this web app allows for quick and efficient compression of images. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to optimize images on the fly.
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Case Studies: Image Optimization Success

Image optimization can be a game changer for any website, and the success stories I’ve encountered along the way are striking. One particular case that stands out is an e-commerce website specializing in outdoor equipment. Initially, their images were large and uncompressed, which led to slow loading times. As a result, they faced high bounce rates and poor search engine rankings. After implementing image compression tools and adopting the WebP format, they noticed a dramatic improvement in page load speed. This change alone led to a 30% increase in organic traffic!

Another impressive instance involved a travel blog where vibrant images are critical for engagement. The site suffered from a high image-to-text ratio, which negatively impacted its SEO. By optimizing images with descriptive alt tags and ensuring proper file naming conventions, they experienced a 40% increase in image search traffic within three months. Their overall site engagement improved as users spent more time browsing through the visuals.

These examples illustrate a core lesson I’ve learned: Optimizing images isn’t just about reducing file sizes; it’s about enhancing user experience and boosting SEO performance. Many webmasters overlook the power of images in influencing their site’s searchability. By adopting best practices, like responsive images and lazy loading, anyone can see substantial results.

Image optimization has consistently proven to deliver not just improved metrics on a dashboard but also genuine business outcomes. Implementing these techniques can truly transform how your website performs in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Creating a Visual Strategy

A solid visual strategy is crucial for any successful SEO approach. A well-designed visual component not only enhances user engagement but also plays a significant role in ranking on search engines. I believe that visuals should complement your content, providing clarity and capturing attention. Think about the last time you encountered an article rich in images, infographics, or videos. It likely held your attention longer, right?

Visuals should communicate your brand’s message effectively. Using consistent visuals across all platforms fosters recognition and builds trust. Consider using brand colors, fonts, and logos strategically. This not only reinforces your identity but also creates a cohesive experience for users.

Moreover, optimize your visuals for SEO. Image alt tags and file names carry weight and can enhance your search visibility. Always remember that Google cannot understand images in the same way that humans do. Clear descriptions help search engines index your visuals correctly.

Your visuals must load quickly. Speed is a ranking factor. A user that waits too long for an image to load will likely navigate away, impacting your site’s bounce rate. Utilize tools to compress images without losing quality. Fast-loading images contribute to a better user experience and longer dwell times.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of user-generated content. Encouraging customers to share their experiences with your products or services creates authenticity. Visual testimonials can be incredibly persuasive and improve your organic reach. Building a community around your brand through visuals can cultivate loyalty and drive traffic.


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Staying Updated with Image Trends

Understanding current image trends is vital for enhancing your SEO strategies. Visual content is gaining prominence, influencing user engagement and search rankings. As someone immersed in this field, I can attest to the power of images to attract attention and improve click-through rates. Keeping an eye on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest offers invaluable insight into what resonates with audiences. These platforms are trendsetters, showcasing evolving aesthetics that can be repurposed for your visual marketing.

Investing time in tools like Google Trends can reveal which types of images are currently popular. Analytics show that images that align with trending topics lead to increased traffic. Therefore, I regularly utilize image search tools to ensure my visuals are not only high-quality but also relevant to what users are actively seeking. A strong visual narrative complements your written content, making it imperative to marry both effectively.

Moreover, consider engaging with online communities and forums focused on SEO and digital marketing. These spaces often discuss emerging image trends that can be advantageous for your SEO efforts. Staying in touch with fellow marketers allows me to adapt swiftly to changes that could impact my website’s visibility.

Experimenting with different image formats and styles can also set your brand apart. For instance, using infographics not only makes complex information digestible but also encourages shares and backlinks, enhancing your SEO performance. Regularly refreshing your image library with current trends can keep your content feeling fresh and relevant. Incorporating such tactics has proven to be significantly beneficial for maintaining my site’s competitive edge.

Lastly, don’t ignore the impact of mobile optimization on your images. With increasing mobile searches, ensuring your images load quickly and display correctly across devices is crucial. This step plays a fundamental role in user experience and consequently affects your ranking. Ultimately, staying updated with image trends becomes a key factor in mastering SEO and succeeding online.

Image Compression Techniques

Image compression is essential for optimizing website speed and improving SEO. Slow-loading images can significantly hurt user experience and search rankings. Personally, I find that understanding the various techniques for compressing images can make a noticeable difference in site performance.

Two prevalent methods of image compression are lossless and lossy compression. Lossless compression retains all the original image data, making it perfect for scenarios where quality cannot be compromised. File formats like PNG and TIFF often use this technique, which is great for images with text or sharp edges. On the flip side, lossy compression reduces file size by permanently removing some data, often resulting in a smaller file and a slight loss in quality. JPEG is the go-to format here. I lean towards using lossy compression for web images to strike a balance between quality and speed.

Another important technique is using the right image formats. For example, utilizing WebP for web images can provide better compression without significantly sacrificing quality. Transitioning to modern formats can lead to noticeable improvements in load times and SEO rankings.

Additionally, utilizing image optimization tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim can automate the compression process. These tools help streamline workflows, allowing you to focus on creating great content while ensuring your images are optimized. Specifically, I recommend implementing automated image compression in your content management system to keep images optimized without extra effort.

Finally, don’t forget about image dimensions and responsive design. Resizing images to the appropriate dimensions before uploading them ensures that users only download the amount of data they need. This practice can drastically reduce load times on mobile devices, which is crucial given that mobile traffic is increasing.

Using Images on Social Media

Images are your secret weapon on social media. They capture attention instantly and can communicate your message quicker than text alone. I’ve found that visually engaging content often outperforms text-based posts, and it’s not hard to see why. Especially in a world saturated with information, eye-catching images serve as beacons that draw potential customers to your brand.

Utilizing high-quality images can also boost your SEO efforts! Search engines prioritize websites that offer rich media content. When you include images with appropriate alt text, you give search engines more content to index, thereby increasing your chances of appearing on the first page of search results.

Moreover, using the right images can enhance your brand identity. I recommend developing a consistent visual style across all platforms. Colors, fonts, and images should reflect your brand’s personality. When followers see your posts, they should instantly recognize them as part of your brand. This builds trust and encourages further engagement.

Don’t forget about the importance of using images that evoke emotion. Images that tell a story or resonate with your audience can greatly increase engagement rates. Emotional connection equals shares, likes, and comments. A well-placed image can turn a casual scroller into a loyal follower, which is invaluable for any online business.

Lastly, consider experimenting with different types of visual content. Video snippets, infographics, and user-generated content can diversify your posts and keep your audience coming back for more. The right mix of images can dramatically amplify your social media presence. Utilize analytics tools to see what works and fine-tune your strategy accordingly. Taking the time to focus on the visual aspects of your social media strategy will yield significant returns.

Enhancing user experience with images

Images play a crucial role in creating a positive user experience on websites.

  • Visual appeal is foundational. A well-placed image can capture attention and keep users engaged.
  • Images break up text. Large blocks of text can be daunting. Strategically placed images make content more digestible.
  • Images convey messages faster. A striking image can communicate ideas much quicker than words alone.
  • Optimized images improve loading speed. Faster loading times enhance user satisfaction, which is critical for SEO.
  • High-quality images build trust. Users are more likely to engage with a site that showcases professional and relevant visuals.
  • Images enhance shareability. Content paired with captivating images is more likely to be shared across social media.
  • Diverse image types cater to different audiences. Infographics, photos, and illustrations all serve unique purposes, appealing to varying user preferences.
  • Images can improve accessibility. Alt text for images ensures users with visual impairments can still engage with your content.

Key image file formats for web use

Understanding the best image formats is crucial for optimizing website load times and visual appeal.

  • JPEG: This format is fantastic for photographs due to its ability to compress images significantly. The trade-off here is a bit of quality loss, but for the web, it’s often worth it.
  • PNG: Excellent for images with transparent backgrounds, PNG maintains high quality even after compression. It’s my go-to for graphics and icons.
  • GIF: While this format offers limited colors, it’s perfect for simple animations and small graphics. I find it best used sparingly to keep load times in check.
  • SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics are a dream for web design, allowing me to scale images without losing quality. It’s ideal for logos and icons, ensuring sharpness on all devices.
  • WebP: This relatively new format combines the strengths of JPEG and PNG, offering superior compression and quality. It’s gaining traction, and I’m excited about its potential for web optimization.

What are the best image formats for SEO?

Choosing the right image format is crucial for SEO. The most effective formats are JPEG, PNG, and WebP. Each has its strengths: JPEG is excellent for photography due to its reduced file size while maintaining decent quality; PNG supports transparency and is great for graphics; WebP compresses images without significant quality loss, making it ideal for web use. If speed matters, consider WebP as your first choice. Besides format, remember to optimize image size and include alt text for accessibility and SEO. Utilize descriptive file names too; these details can impact your rankings. Always prioritize quality along with loading speed. Ultimately, your images should serve both aesthetic and technical purposes to enhance user experience and boost SEO performance.

How can I optimize my images for faster loading?

Optimizing images for faster loading is crucial for improving your website’s performance. First, always choose the right file format. JPEG is great for photos, while PNG works best for images with transparency. Next, reduce the file size without sacrificing quality. I recommend using tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim; they can compress images effectively. Don’t skip on image dimensions. Resize your images to fit the space they will occupy on your site. Additionally, consider lazy loading, which delays loading images until they are in the viewport. This technique can dramatically enhance initial load times. Finally, implement responsive images using the srcset attribute. This allows browsers to select the appropriate size based on the user’s device, ensuring optimal loading speeds for all users. Following these steps will significantly enhance your website’s speed and SEO performance.

What role does alt text play in SEO?

Alt text plays a crucial role in SEO, and its importance cannot be overstated. It provides search engines with context about an image, helping them understand the content of your website better. Without proper alt text, images can become a missed opportunity for boosting your site’s visibility. When search engines cannot interpret images, they may overlook them altogether. This effectively diminishes their contribution to your SEO strategy.

Furthermore, alt text enhances accessibility, making your content usable for visually impaired users. This inclusivity not only enriches user experience but can also impact SEO positively. Google values user experience, so optimizing for all users, including those who rely on assistive technologies, is essential. Including relevant keywords in your alt text can also provide a slight SEO boost, but it’s important to avoid keyword stuffing; keep it relevant and descriptive.

Overall, alt text isn’t just a minor detail—it’s an integral part of your content strategy. By ignoring it, you risk losing potential traffic and harming your site’s overall ranking.

Can images impact my website’s overall ranking?

Absolutely, images can significantly influence your website’s ranking. Search engines, particularly Google, value rich media as it enhances user experience. When you optimize your images properly, you not only make your site more appealing but also improve your SEO. This includes using relevant file names, alt text, and appropriately sized images.

When a search engine crawls your site, it assesses the text and images to judge content relevance. If your images are relevant and optimized, it boosts your chances of ranking higher on search results. Moreover, images can improve loading speed if compressed correctly. Fast loading sites are favored by search engines.

Consider the impact of visual content on user engagement. Pages with images tend to have lower bounce rates and higher interaction, both of which can positively affect SEO. Therefore, it’s crucial to incorporate strategically chosen images in your content. All in all, neglecting image optimization is a critical oversight in SEO strategies.

How often should I update my images?

When it comes to updating images on your blog, I firmly believe that frequency matters. **Images should be refreshed at least every six months!** This isn’t just aesthetic; it’s crucial for maintaining relevance and engagement. **Stale images can lead to a lack of interest from your audience and hurt your SEO rankings.** Updating images keeps your content alive and appealing, which is essential for user retention.

Your industry can dictate the timing as well. If you’re in a fast-paced sector, consider monthly updates. **Fresh, high-quality visuals can significantly boost click-through rates and keep your audience tapped into your content.** Don’t underestimate the power of relevant graphics. They humanize your brand and convey messages quickly, which is essential for today’s fast-scrolling internet users.

Also, regularly review how your images perform. Tools like Google Analytics can give insight into which visuals resonate. **If certain images lead to higher engagement, prioritize those or update similar ones accordingly.** Stay proactive, and you’ll see the benefits reflect in your overall SEO strategy.

Are there any specific tools for image SEO analysis?

There are several tools I heavily rely on for image SEO analysis. First up is Google Search Console. This tool provides insights into how your images are performing in search results. You can identify which images are generating clicks and impressions, allowing you to prioritize content optimization effectively.

Another favorite of mine is Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider. This software crawls your site and highlights any issues with your image attributes, such as missing alt tags or oversized files. Also, it helps analyze the overall image SEO of your website.

ImageOptim is essential for image compression, ensuring that images are optimized for speed without losing quality. Faster-loading images significantly improve the user experience, which Google values highly.

Lastly, tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush have excellent capabilities for on-page SEO analysis, including image SEO. They can help identify image-related keywords and analyze competitors’ image strategies. Overall, leveraging these tools can make a significant difference in your image SEO efforts.


Images are crucial for user engagement.

Images significantly enhance user interaction. I firmly believe that captivating visuals transform mundane content into engaging experiences. Using high-quality images makes users more likely to stay on your site, reducing bounce rates dramatically.

Alt text improves accessibility and SEO.

Alt text is crucial for web accessibility. It allows visually impaired users to understand images. Additionally, it enhances SEO by providing search engines with context about your visuals. Ignoring this can hurt your rankings.

Image Size and Its Impact on Loading Speed and Ranking

Image size is a crucial factor in your website’s performance. Smaller images lead to faster loading times, which directly influences your ranking on search engines. I’ve seen firsthand how optimizing images can dramatically improve site speed and boost organic traffic.

Keyword-rich file names enhance image discoverability.

Keyword-rich file names are essential for boosting image visibility in search results. I can’t stress enough how incorporating relevant keywords can significantly improve your image SEO. Don’t overlook this simple yet effective strategy!

Using images can significantly lower bounce rates.

I’ve seen firsthand how incorporating images drastically reduces bounce rates on blogs. **Visuals capture attention** and encourage visitors to engage longer with the content. If you’re aiming to keep readers on your site, don’t underestimate the power of a well-placed image.

Regularly update your image content for relevance.

Updating your image content is crucial. I believe that fresh, relevant visuals keep your audience engaged and improve SEO rankings. Don’t let your images grow stale; keep them current to enhance your site’s appeal!

Optimizing for mobile improves image search results.

Prioritizing mobile optimization has a profound effect on image search rankings. When sites are mobile-friendly, users enjoy better experiences, leading to higher engagement and visibility. This is a non-negotiable strategy if you want to excel in SEO.

Utilizing Videos as Images to Increase Traffic

**Using videos in place of images can significantly boost your website traffic.** I’ve seen this firsthand; videos engage users far better than static images. **Don’t underestimate the power of video content!** It drives more clicks and keeps visitors on your site longer.

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